Most players will earn cash much faster Online than in Story Mode.” It also explained GTA Online's Reputation system, noting ' Reputation is earned from all your online exploits in everything you do in GTA Online – and will help you rank up, providing access to new features, weapons and criminal contacts. Rockstar added that “the economy is balanced differently from the single player economy, and cash earned in one cannot be taken over to the other. You don’t have to spend real money to attain the cars, guns, clothes, flash and style of a high-roller in Los Santos, but can if you wish to get them a little quicker.” There is no in-game paywall and nothing that should disrupt the balance of the game. The game and its economy have been designed and balanced for the vast majority of players who will not buy extra cash. You will have the option to purchase GTA$ through the in-game Store.
In a post on Rockstar Newswire, Rockstar explained that “if you’re the completely instant gratification type, you can choose to buy denominations of GTA$.